Interested in attending? Please email our office at no later than Thursday, September 30, 2021 at 3:00 pm. Please provide name and address for verification purposes. Upon verification, Zoom link will be provided.


Dear Homeowner(s),

It is with great pleasure that we announce, effective June 15, 2021, all restrictions surrounding public pools and spas will be lifted in Contra Costa County.

Capacity limitations, social distancing requirements, social distancing monitors, and/or reservation systems are no longer required to be in place.

With that said, the pool will be open to all members during normal hours:

Monday through Sunday:  5:00AM to 10:00PM

If you are an offsite owner, please relay this information to your tenants, for their awareness.

We thank you for your patience and hope you have a wonderful summer!

Please visit for all updates.

The Board would like to announce increased capacity for swimmers thanks to Wood Ranch homeowners who have volunteered to provide pool monitoring services per county requirements.

The hours of the open swim are:

Friday 2-8 PM

Saturday 11- 8 PM

Sunday 11-8 PM

Please note the pool will be available all other days using the reservation system.

Please thank your fellow homeowners Phillip Aaronson and Eric Bauer for leading this effort!

Welcome to the Wood Ranch Community Swimming Pool Page

If you’d like to volunteer for a shift as pool monitor, please click here.

For more information, please contact our office at no later than 3 p.m. the day of the meeting.  Zoom meeting details can be found in the agenda.


For more information, please contact our office at no later than 3 p.m. the day of the meeting.  Zoom meeting details can be found in the agenda.


For more information, please contact our office at no later than 3 p.m. the day of the meeting.  Please provide name and address for verification purposes.  Upon verification, Zoom meeting info will be provided.

For more information, please contact our office at no later than 3 p.m. the day of the meeting.  Please provide name and address for verification purposes.  Upon verification, Zoom meeting info will be provided.

Pool Closure

Attention Wood Ranch Residents,
With approximately 10% of HOA pools open in the county, extensive measures were taken to ensure the Wood Ranch pool could be opened, in accordance with the County’s requirements, as of June 9, 2020 and amended August 13, 2020.  While the pool has served as an outlet for all in the community to enjoy, it is with great regret that due to an inability to maintain adequate staffing, a county requirement, and liability reasons, the pool will close as of August 30, 2020 at 8 p.m. and remain closed for the duration of the season, unless the County relaxes the requirements, at which time the Association would also.  We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.  

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