In response to home owner reports of property damage and domestic pets being attacked, we wanted to provide resources to our home owners who might be affected by these situations.
FIRST: Contact CCC Animal Control @ 925-646-5250, as they track these types of issues.
Department of Fish & Wildlife: general #916-358-1300
If, after contacting CCC Animal Control and the Department of Fish and Wildlife it is determined the animals should be trapped or killed, the property owner will have to file for a Depredation Permit with Department of Wildlife – no cost for the permit. To do this individuals must contact the Wildlife Biologist. As of October 2014, that person is: John Krause 415-454-8050 or email
The management office cannot contact either of these departments for damage to private property – it must be the property owner who makes the contact with these departments.
Any noted damage to common area should be reported to PM&A, Inc. as soon as possible.
Tags: Animal Control, Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife